This trinity is laser focused on giving strength to your voice and sharing your passion without fear or hesitation. You can find that strength through the self-mastery provided from the solar plexus. We recommend this one for those that want to conquer their fear of public speaking!
Personal Power Trinity
Instilling discipline to follow a routine
Building self-mastery and control
Fostering personal power
Boosting confidence
Yellow resonates with the solar plexus chakra, the sun of the universe where all information is digested, processed and integrated. It is best related to the gut feeling, commonly experienced when perceiving situations or making decisions. This center opened provides a strengthening of one’s own inner guidance filtering out all outside influences. A clear pathway of staying in your own power is mastered. Yellow also assists in overcoming fears, old patterns and obstacles that are stagnate and stuck. It is in this space where one realizes that they are a leader of self.